The funny thing is, Light could absolutely still work as a type, but at this stage in the franchise, it would just be forced. It would be awkward and redundant.
Fairy was the final nail in the coffin for Light, because it has a certain association with light already with things like Dazzling Gleam, and it also made Togekiss and Gardevoir Fairy types, both of whom would absolutely be Light types if Fairy didn't exist.
>>34674622Many people have been clamoring for a reboot of this franchise, and I have no doubt that Light would become a new type if they did. In the meantime, let's show why it would be super redundant, because most aspects of light as an element are already covered:
>the bending/warping/manipulation of lightPsychic
>the physical production of lightElectric, Fire
>healing/saintly/cleric/purityGrass, Fairy
>chivalry/dutySteel (think knights in armor)
>justice/braveryFighting (Not all Fighting types, just certain ones)
Perhaps the only thing left then, is a certain divinity and holiness. But there's so little Light can offer that it would feel just crammed in there.
It's still possible though. Milotic, Absol, Lumineon and others are still perfect matches for Light.