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No.34693207 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which gen had the most fun, balanced meta? This includes just OU and UU, by the way. The other tiers fluctuate too much overall.

My vote goes to Gen 4
>Weather is viable without being broken, thanks to the newly introduced weather-enhancing stones
>Physical/special split helped a lot of weaker Pokemon
>Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Electivire, Weezing, Machamp, and even Ninjask were top-tier threats, meaning that weaker niche Pokemon could still see play
>There wasn't really any overcentralizing meta. Unless you consider suicide-leads a meta
>OU wasn't >50% legendary/mega evolution
>Meme strats could actually be relatively successful. Weather strats were still usable.
>No team preview yet

I just know that the Gen 4 remakes are going to be a farcry from the relative calmness of Gen 4 originally.