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ITT New Ability and Move Ideas

No.34695443 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start:

Causes a Tailwind when entering battle

>Neat Freak
Immediately clears hazards from the field when entering play

Absorbs entry hazards when switching in and gains a stat boost related to the hazard
-Rocks = +1 Def
-Spikes= +1 Att per layer
-T. Spikes = +1 SpD per layer
-Web = +1 Speed

Prevents any Pokemon on the field from directly raising their Speed stat (so no speed boosts from Dragon Dance, for example, but you can still get boosted speed through indirect means like Scarf or Tailwind)

Whenever this Pokemon receives a stat change, the stat that changes is chosen at random (ex. Swords Dance gives +2 SpDef, Agility grants Att +2, being hit with Screech gives -2 SpAtt, etc.). Does not affect Evasion or Accuracy. Does not change stat changes passed via Baton Pass.

When switching in, this Pokemon causes the effects of Haze immediately (removing all stat changes on all Pokemon)

All sound-based moves receive a 20% boost in power and accuracy (so even status moves are affected)

Repeatedly using sound-based moves in sequence increases their efficacy and power by 10% each time (does not need to be the same move for the effect to work, only consecutive sound-based moves). Effect disappears if any other type of move is used between two sound-based ones.

If any Pokemon in play uses a sound-based move, this Pokemon will immediately use the same move aimed at the user of the move (compare to Dancer)

>Frost Heave
During Hail, the power of Ice-type moves increases by 50%

>Soul Well
If struck by a Ghost-type move, this Pokemon takes no damage and instead receives a +1 boost to SpAtt

>PSI Magnet
If struck by a Psychic-type move, this Pokemon absorbs the damage as HP instead (compare to Volt Absorb)