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Digifag killers origin story volume 1

No.34703476 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>Be only eight years old
>Be sitting in bed doing nothing but waiting till mom gets home because she's bringing pizza and burgers home
>Been waiting for six whole hours
>Finally hears knock on door
>Rushes to get it to see who it is
>And surprise surprise it's mom
>And someone who I've never seen before In my entire life
>A tall hunky man with a smoothly cut beard and nice short brown hair wearing a T-shirt with a character who I''ve seen beforebut never knew the name of some kind of Orange dinosaur with that looked like charmander
>But I was to hungry to actually care
>Anyways I give mom a big hug welcoming her home
>She's happy to see me like I'm happy to see her
>I help mom and the strange guy pick up the boxes and bags
>It smells so good I can't wait to dig in I say to myself
>I ask mom who the new guy is
>This is Hunter he's my boyfriend and I'm surprised I haven't told you about him yet
>Hey little man hunter says as he reaches in my shake my hand
>I shake his hand back and I gotta say he's got a pretty firm grip