My only problem is the cutscenes. I absolutely hate that liteally EVERY new area you enter is followed up by Hau, Lillie, Kukui, or someone else meeting you there, talking to you about something irrelevant, and giving you an item. I just want to explore on my own, you know?
I think the worst case of this is after Mallow's trial and Kukui tells you to meet him at the Dimensional Research Lab. He tells you it's in Heahea City, directly south on a long straight road route. It'- and pardon me for over using the word literally- but it's literally a straight road down to the destination. But as you're halfway down the straight road, Hau comes up and reminds you where it is. Gamefreak doesn't trust us to walk down a straight road without getting lst, and I have to wonder where that mistrust came from? Who complained so much in a past game for getting lost that they felt this was necessary?
I like pretty much everything else. Sure I'd like to have seen more Pokemon, and Alola Forms should have been more than just Kanto pandering, but that's fairly excusable. Kukui was a great prof, Lillie's story was fairly interesting, Gladion was a good character for Pokemon, I liked Hau as a rival as a step up from 6th gen rivals, and they nailed the atmosphere of Hawaii. It could have been so much better if Gamefreak just trusted us to walk in a straight line.