Dawn is a constant feature of the cycle. Sometimes she wears summer-wear, other times a cute jacket, but every cycle is the same.
Dawn casts temptation (and her ass) to the wind, Cynthia takes the bait, Cynthia can't find it in her heart to "take care" of Dawn once she's finally done it, Dawn calls the cops the next morning, and Cynthia finds Dialga the morning of the day she'd die in a police shoot-out.
Unwittingly, for it is always such the case, a peculiar incident in which a young, gorgeous, and blonde woman with no pants on fleeing an older, similar-looking, and still gorgeous woman, her bare ass free to all to see go past an elementary school would leave a lasting impact on a particular kindergartner who would take this as the standard of female beauty she should aspire to.
And the cycle goes on.