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No.34764643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How hard would it have been to just make a FUCKING battle frontier? They could have recycled the same fucking teams, all they would have had to make was a few buildings and a few new character models. They are fucking FLAUNTING their laziness in our faces, and people still beg them for yearly releases.

I want a sincere explanation on how anyone can defend lazyfreak when they are the worst damn company out there. Worse than EA, worse than Activision, worse than 2012 era capcom, you name it. Does EA put out 4 versions of the same game? Does EA limit you to one save slot just to get you to keep buying copies? Does EA have tons of timed content and then take it away forever if you don't get it immediately? Probably a little, but not a rich 20 year history of it. "Oh, what's DLC? We don't need that, they can just buy the game again for 40 dollars LOL, they'll love that!"

One day Gamefreak will fully embrace lootboxes, and you stupid pathetic sheep will just eat it all up, "yes yes, I love sucking gamefreak cock, at least I'm not a poorfag!" I hope you know that we will never have good postgame again because of you weak willed drones that run out and buy 4 different copies of the same game. Was watching those 20 hours of alolan cutscenes worth the 160 dollars? I hope you're happy because that's the future of the series now. Fucking digimon games upstage pokemon games in nearly every single way but pokemon gets away with it in name brand alone. And soon the games will be on Switch, and they'll be just as lazy, just upscaled 3ds games recycling the same models and animations, only now they'll be 60 dollars each and charge for online. You idiots will just LOVE even more ways to give Gamefreak you money.

If you bought ORAS or USUM, I hope you're happy, this dead fucking series is exactly what you paid for