Quoted By:
>Legendaries bow to the Snorlaxes
>In contact with Leftovers
>Rumored to run Belly Drum to counter Miltank
>Control gen2OU with an iron fist
>Direct cause of the SkarmBliss core.
>Will set up on your special attackers
>In the process of paralyzing your switch ins
>Own basically every single check in the tier
>Every team needs two Snorlax checks
>Said to have 99% usage
>Ancient Alph Ruins scriptures tell of a fat cursing creature dominating the meta
>That's Snorlax
>Has sets to deal with every single Pokemon in the tier
>You likely have a Snorlax in your Gen2 team right now
>Every team has to have Snorlax and Skarmory
>Snorlaxes are in regular communication with the Gen2 tier council forcing them to keep him in the tier.
>Discovered Rest Sleep Talk
>Made a battle last a week
>Tier Council allows them to centralize the meta around it
>Tier Council entrusts them with the balance of the tier
>Snorlax Meta is 18 years old from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality it has lasted for 300 years if you take into account all the time spent in battles by all 4 players in gen2OU.
>Snorlax will guide gen2OU into a new age of wisdom peace and love.