-Mega Banette also curses it's trainer, but out of being unable to stop it instead of pure uncontrolled malice.
-Absol doesn't like fighting, and as such doesn't like Mega Evolving.
-Garchomp's blade claws actually melt into their scythe shapes.
-Kangaskhan worries about her kid.
-Scizor's metal body needs to be cooled so it doesn't melt and warp when it's hot out, but it can't sustain itself if it's storing the power from mega evo too long.
-Manectric can't fully control it's power.
-Alakazam becomes emaciated and frail.
One bright one. Damn Game Freak, you've really made all these seem bad.
-Slowbro Devolves because Shellder is not biting it's tail during mega evo - it does most of the dirty work while the Slowpoke chills comfortable in it's shell armor.