>>34794073Possibly, but it'd be tricky.
All this shit is assuming it is not limited to 1 hp like shedninja is.
>it cannot hold leftoversA mon with wonder guard could switch in on attacks it's immune to and recover over time with leftovers. Having no recovery moves would not be an issue for it, because this type of mon would naturally fit better on more defensive teams, giving it numerous opportunities to switch in and regain health.
>it needs to be weak to rockbeing neutral, or god forbid resistant or immune, to SR would make games drag on for fucking eternity and let it PP stall pokemon with moves that can hit it. Being rock weak gives it's opponents another wincon besides toxic and keeping pokemon with SE moves alive the entire game.
>it needs to be susceptible to toxicpretty self explanatory
>it needs to have a ridiculously terrible defensive typingIt needs a shitload of weaknesses, otherwise it could potentially win games after it's teammates kill 1 or 2 pokemon.
>it can't learn toxic, U-turn, or voltswitchSince you're basically forced to switch into a mon that can hit it everytime it's sent out, toxic would let it eventually stall out it's checks. Volturn would create a 50/50 everytime it's sent out
I'm drunk sorry for any typos or jibberish.