>>348101849/18. plus for Whiscash but fuck Alomomola
>>3481042311/18 overall pretty good taste
>>348106967/18 but it' actually 0/18 because ice type best type
>>348110499/18. You could have used the link every other image has to make the image it, you know
>>3481124319/18 perfect taste totally not me
>>348113156/18 most of these are pretty meh for me
>>348113768/18 counting Gastrodon
>>3481142410/18 looks good too
>>348117348/18 I thought no one liked Slakoth desu
>>348118398/18. Fun fact: Hakamo-o is the least picked Dragon-type considering stats
Ctrl+F stats on the site every pic has at the bottom to look at the stats btw