[21 / 4 / ?]
>Be me, stalking a girl I like. >Her name is super weird, so like every result on Google is her. >Find her twitter page where she is talking about Pokemon (what evolved, her favorites, etc). Literally everything she posts is about pokemon. >SWEET! I have a thing to talk to her about. > Message her on FB, steer the conversation toward pokemon. > Let loose about pokemon, my favorites, dislikes, technical info. Favorite movies, games, episodes. The entire time she isn't replying much, but I'm enjoying it. > Finally ask her out. > "I don't think we'd be a good match, you seem way too obsessed with video games." >MFW >It wasn't her fucking profile on twitter and I just made myself look like a spazzed out faggot. How do I force her to like pokemon?
Pokemon sucks dude. Try a different hobby.
>>34812347 Say that again about the second largest game franchise in the world (with Mario topping it at number one)
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>>34812387 Mario had a shitton of bundles and a 15 year headstart. Pokémon is the real king.
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Even ignoring the fact that you use facebook, you sound hyper autistic and probably underage.
>>34812292 Piece of advice anon, when it comes to girls and vidya let her talk about it first and try and match her interest or even make it seem like her interest is more strong than yours, thus both boosting her ego making her look like “gamur grill not like other grills” and making you look like more of a normie by comparison and she’ll subconsciously think you to be more normal. Also flirting point you can call her a nerd
Pic unrelated
>>34812387 Pokemon sucks, you fucking brand loyalist.
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>>34812292 Shes not into you otherwise she would have jumped at the chance whether you were game obsessive or not. Find another hobby and you'll meet someone better suited to you. Remember once they say no to move on. Dont get autistic and start sperging out and attempt to force your views on them.
>>34812489 You probably think games like CoD are good and worth paying £60 for each instalment when there are almost infinite shooter games that are practically the same
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>>34812489 why are you here?
>>34812463 This shit is why I don't date. Gotta act certain ways and play stupid mind games and flirting.
Got my dick wet for a few years and it was fully not worth this bullshit.
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>>34812489 >pokemon sucks everything sucks if you analyze it enough.
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>>34812347 >>34812489 Go back to /v/ where you belong.
>>34812691 >hurf durf if you don't like Pokemon then you must like CoD Wew lad. Did you just come from the YouTube comment section? Call of Duty hasn't been relevant in years.
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It was her profile, she just wasn’t into you.
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>>34812719 Date dudes. Much simpler. More rewarding, too.
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>>34812719 >I can’t be an autist in front of girls wah wah why don’t they like me Tell them how you studied the blade instead of the jock simpletons who went out drinking. Getting girls isn’t that hard it’s just put yourself in a normie shoes for a while at least till you fuck her, then drop the autist payload
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>>34812489 why are you here
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Was this moved from /v/ or something?
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>>34812731 WW2 is decent though
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>>34812292 >How do I force her to like pokemon? Why not just, I don't know, find someone else? That sounds eerily obsessive.