gen 1: ninetales, persian, golduck, golem, Mr mime, seaking, muk, rapidash, beedrill
gen 2: hitmontop, ampharos, Blissey, Forretress, porygon 2, piloswine, scizor(not a bad design just wished it looked more like scyther),
gen 3: Glalie, Chimecho, Ludicolo, sharpedo(I would have rather seen carvahna become a better piranha than a shark), Hariyama, Flygon(because flygon fags exist)
Gen 4: Lucario, floatzel, probopass, lickylicky, Tangrowth, magmortar, dusknoir, prinplup, purugly(should have been a split evo desu), vespiquen(mainly cause i'm too lazy to work for all the work you have to go through to get a pokemon that isn't even that good), bastiodon
Gen 5: the 3 monkeys, gothorita/gothetelle, jellicent, swanna, vanilluxe, haxorus(wish final evo looked more similar to fraxure I just don't think it fits the evolution line.), boldore(thank fuck for gigalith), zebstrika, emboar, samurott, klinklang, crustle, beartic, musharna, krookodile
Gen 6: Aromatisse, slurpuff, chesnaught, delphox, grenigger, avalugg(honestly this dex is so forgettable i've forgotten half of them)
Gen 7: Shinnotic, alolan dugtrio, ultra necrozma(does this count), naganadel(wish it looked more similar to poipole though it isn't a bad design), kommo'o, tsareena, palossand, crabominable, silvally(more disappointing than anything),