>>34832485point of differentiation, at least early on and what caught on in people's memory, seems to be whether 4kids overdubbed the original cry or not
Kingler's "cookie cookie" comes from the original, and while the original does have your very obvious cases of name repetition (Pi Pikachu) that set the trope up, a lot of other pokemon whose cries were just name repetitions, in the original, tended to be more like, guttoral(?) sounding. so even though it was saying its name, the voice actor would do it in a way to make it a sort of a blend between an animal call and an enuciation of its name
4kids chose to replace most cries – why some got to stay, like kingler and victreebel, isn't really obvious. you get the sense they sometimes just thought the original was just too cool to replace, as the two I just cited are novelties (KOO-KIE KOO-KIE and victreebel's cry is literally a high-pitched scream) and i can't really remember the rest but they tend to be along those lines.