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My chef, Ming-Ming, has actually dabbled in quite a few physical activities over the years, but I’ll focus on the sports factor, considering the top of the day and all.
First and foremost, when she traveled out to colder environments, figure skating became a big part of her life. While she may have been born in the lovely vacation region of Alola, there was something about dancing on the ice that captivated her. Her extreme athleticism she gained from martial arts and her daily yoga exercises has gave her quite the dexterity and limber joints, leading her to get very competitive if she feels she did something wrong with her skating.
For something that may seem out of left field, let’s talk about baseball. When she traveled to Unova for a few years, Nimbasa felt like Disney World for her (Despite Disney being nowhere close to our real world of New York) - She felt compelled to try out the roller coasters, ride on the subway several times, but one thing she found fascinating was baseball. Needing to exert enough force to bat a ball out of the park seemed good for her growing Pokémon roster at the time, and especially inspired her to do her best to train her Pokémon physically and personally. She has a lot of heart for working out, and that heart shines through in her passion for the sports she loves.