>>34831239Box Dunsparce and Heracross. You don't need two normal types, and Heracross doesn't learn shit in the way of Fighting type moves. Grab yourself a Mantine or Lanturn, and then just any old flying type. What I like to do is use the Red Gyarados as an HM slave. Takes care of Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool, and Strength all in one. Just take 'em out whenever you need to, you know?
>>34832488Xatu learns Future Sight and Psychic, it just takes a long time. Your choices are pretty much Natu, Pidgey, Spearow, and Hoothoot until you can get Skarmory outside of Blackthorn. Crobat has 0 poison moves, Togetic has shit for special moves, Murkrow and Doduo are Kanto-based, Farfetch'D is available outside of Ecruteak but it's Farfetch'D and Delibird is in the Ice Cave but it's Delibird.