"Pokedex battles" were not only pointless, but also way too easy. Unless you avoided as many trainers as possible and used Repels everywhere, you would easily beat him for all 3. Either increase the number required for them, change them to caught instead of seen, or both.
As for battling, he should have at least 5 Pokemon, if not a full team, like someone focused on completing the pokedex should. Give him a Smeargle with Sweet Scent, Hypnosis, False Swipe, and Soak/Mean Look and the rest of his team being rare pokemon to use to show he's not some guy with 3 random pokemon.
Also needs an overhaul. He'd be fine with 3 to 5 Pokemon, but Corphish makes no sense for him. Give him a team focused on move combinations. One of them should be the obligatory dance mon, quiver, swords, teeter, petal, whatever dance you want. His others should do things like Defense Curl+Rollout, or Endure+Reversal/Flail/Endeavor, or Rain Dance+Thunder/Hurricane. Safeguard+Petal Dance, fits the theme of move combo and of dancing. Give him a double or battle where he uses the Oath moves, or Swagger with Own Tempo/Persim Berry. Swagger+Psyche Up. So much wasted potential. Even if he was in a gen where Oricorio was available, I doubt he would use it correctly either.
Shauna is fine as she is, she just cares about the adventure and having fun. She catches whatever is her favorite and uses whatever moves she wants. Maybe give her a full team but she doesn't have the wasted potential Trevor or Tierno has.