>>34896277Here's how I got my Meteor Mash Lucario
Turn 1: Wild Smeargle vs Decidueye, Decidueye uses False Swipe on Smeargle, Smeargle Sketches False Swipe
Smeargle calls for help, no help arrives
Turn 2: Switch to Metagross, Smeargle uses False Swipe on Metagross, calls for help, new Smeargle arrives
Turn 3: Metagross uses Meteor Mash on False Swipe Smeargle, other Smeargle Sketches Meteor Mash
You can catch it from there, and if you want a Smeargle with multiple weird egg moves, switch out Metagross for your Smeargle and use Sketch on the wild Smeargle.
Harder these days because no Double Battle rematches, but whatever, it works.