>>34921063I guess I'll do a top 10 for the ones i'd lewd the most and the top 10 things i'd want to happen with that group.
May, Zinnia, Lana, Iris, Korrina, XY Ace trainer, BW Clerk, XY Beauty, Rainbow Rocket Grunt and Hoenn Battle girl
I want to be verbally taunted and teased by them while fighting back with my own banter, be sat on and forced to service their asses with my mouth, tongue, hands and fingers, play with their toes and feet, be molested by or be the one molesting them, forced to smell their musk, assaulted by being punched, kicked, slapped or stepped on either playfully or seriously (though not hard enough to the point where I'd risk injury), playfully roughhouse with them, be smothered by hugs and give piggyback rides to