>>34927360>The Dark type (Japanese: あくタイプ Evil type)literally, dumbfuck
In french is "ténèbres" can means dark (no light) in more of an evil way. Wicked. I don't know exactly how to give you the feeling of the word. Work the same for "trevas/sombrio" in portuguese and "siniestro" in euro spanish. I don't know the sociological meaning of the chosen word for each language but in these, they make perfectly sense.
Dark also have the same sociological connotation in english, how can't you see? Do you live under a rock?
Dark ages, disasters, pessimism, immoral, the bad side of the divine's mind. The opposite of divine. Temptation. The ad side of the mind.
We can also divine the divine in numerous forms.
let's clear this:
>Psychic (the divine's mind)Mind control, clear mind, good side of the mind, psyche (myth), strong mind, inteligence, mind evolution, cosmic (aliens are usually connected with inteligence, because of the inteligence to find more living creatures or to be founded by "evolved creatures", nirvana, clairvoyance, mystic
>Dark (the oppositive of the divine's mind)No mind control, evil, bad side of the mind, weak minded, psychopathy
>Fighting (the divine's body)Muscles, strong body, weak mind, heroic, protective, proud
>Fairy (the divine's good emotions, the divine always show their emotions trough the nature, rains, volcanoes, sandstorms, see bible curses)Good emotions, playfulness, protective, good nature, emotional connection, purity, nirvana, mystic
>Dragon (the divine's bad emotions)Bad emotions, selfishness, agressive, "bad" nature, impurity
We also can look deeper in the myths. Japanese myths and greek myths to understand what are the meaning of this eternal fight
mind control < chaos
mind control > body control
evil > hero
human emotional battle
good feelings/nature always win the bad feelings/nature
after catastrophes, good things start to happen again, social help to reconstruct nature and emotions
good emotions > bad emotions