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No.34941989 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would anyone be willing to trade with me on Ultra Sun? I've been trying to get an adamant male zangoose with its HA (Toxic Boost) but I just haven't been able to for the life of me. Finding that exact combination is gonna drive me mad so I thought I might as well try here.

I'd also really like a male careful natured snorlax/munchlax that knows the move curse and has its HA too (gluttony), and an Adamant male slaking/slakoth would be much appreciated and pretty great too.

Another mon on my list would be a Ditto with its HA (transform) and a relaxed nature. As well as a porygon Z with a modest or timid nature with Adaptability.

If anyone was wondering, yes I'm trying to run an almost all normal team. Reason I say "almost" is because I have Lugia to hard counter those fighting types that get in my way.

Anyways, some mons I have that might interest you would be:
Lvl 59 Riolu
Lvl 69 Charizard
Lvl 68 Machamp
Lvl 45 Dhelmise

Those are the ones I can think of at the top of my head. However, I have a shit ton more (about 200) and a lot of gen 1 pokemon if that means anything to you guys. If any of this interests you or if you have any pokemon I listed then just tell me. And if you'd like to know their natures and abilities then just ask too.