Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[81 / 2 / ?]

!yW25rqPLk6 No.34979982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi guys. As you probably remember from my previous threads, beginning of this week is going to be the first submission deadline for the translations (at least for the European teams working on my same contractual formula).

Well, when we logged on to the project submission interface, we run a quick "inspect element" trick as there were few suspicious spaces in the header. One of them, was a broken image named "PokémonYou_PokémonMe". I am not claming these to be the titles of the games. They can be codenames, interface design aborted elements or link to a future facility for translators (e.g. an encrypted database for official names as it happened already for USUM).

I am not going to lie: when we saw those names (even if lame)... more than a bell rang, as there is something in the scripts fitting perfectly. But it can be a coincidence of course.

That's all. I just wanted to share this odd thing with you.