>>34999045>playing pokemon just to finish itoh dear.
anyway stuff i like to discover in pokemon is using new pokemons are new ways to use old favorites. exploring features i used to neglect or achieving feats i didn't manage. but mostly discovery.
right now im playing emerald sigma +moehack. sigma means i'm playing full 3g dex including moves and abilities from later gens and moemon relives the trill of discovering new mon forms. i can also buy sterter eggs and use items instead of trade evos, so now i can do something i never did in emerald- catch them all.
>what went wrongactually nothing. you are having fun right? either that or you are an addict. if you are having fun, just keep playing the way you like to play. if you got addicted to pokemon, well, try overeating the games untill you are mentally tired- finish 2 games, same game in 1 sitting for example.
also, perhaps trying borden your horizons a bit? there are other adventure monster RPS collecting games out there. have you tried the digimon games? the ones for the ds i mean.