>>35021972A game where you go around catching rare/Endangered Pokemon for a 'Pokemon Zoo' (It wouldn't be about taking Pokemon out of their habitats, it would be about saving/protecting them, sorta like Aether Paradise)
The Zoo isn't open yet and you've got to help build it by completing tasks/quests. You'd be a Pokemon Ranger going to different areas/environments around some region, catching Pokemon and saving them from Pokemon Poachers who are catching rare Pokemon to sell to rich people.
The zoo would have different habitats like a building that houses cave dwelling Pokemon, an Aquarium, an Avery, forest area etc, you'd be able to put Pokemon into those areas (Obviously they have to be compatible for the area)
You can change over which Pokemon can go into the habitat, at first you can only have 4 Pokemon, completing tasks lets you extend the habitat and add in more Pokemon.
Each area would have an 'expert' or 'manager' that watches over that habitat, they will sorta be like gym leaders except less type based and more habitat based, so the Forest manager would use Pokemon found in the forest (Shroomish, Heracross, Aipom etc), the aquarium manager would only use Pokemon found underwater (Seaking, Seadra, Lumineon, etc), desert manager would use desert dwelling Pokemon like (Cacnea, Trapich, Hippopotas, etc)
Cave manager using cave dwelling Pokemon (Zubat, Geodude, Onix, etc)
Each habitat in the zoo would have a certain rare Pokemon needed to complete that area, game would end when you have completed building all of the habitats and caught all of the needed Pokemon.
Legendary Pokemon would take a back seat since lets be honest, why would a zoo have a legendary Pokemon in it?
This is a game I have planned on developing in RPG maker but I already have 2 other projects in the works.