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Pokémon MMO for the Switch

No.35023228 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Non-linear game and functions like BotW. You have an open world to explore and can go to any town you please. However gyms and wild spawns haven't changed a bit and some are more difficult then others. (Think having the ability to go to Ganon in BotW from the start.)
> The wild spawns are open world but still depend on RNG so you won't have as good as a chance finding a "Garchomp" as a "Caterpie."
> Instead of the traditional turn based battle layout you have full control of the Pokémons movement in a 360 degree circle (Think Pokenn) and can use the four attacks with power based cooldowns.
> Certain Pokémon have certain abilities. If you have a Gyarados you can explore the water as the Pokémon but if you have a Skarmory you can fly above all the towns and get a birds eye view.
> You are not alone in the world. Instead of just NPC's accompanying you they would be actual players and can all send there Pokémon out resulting in some super epic screenshots/bragging rights.
> Lastly traditional methods still work such as shiny chaining, using Synchronize to get the nature you want, etc.

Would you play it? If not what are some ideas of your own you feel could improve/change this concept?