I don't know a consistent rating method so I'll just say something about each
>>35042189I'm glad you became a fairy type fan. They're not high on my favorites but they're strong and cute. They're pretty established even as the newest type.
>>35042221Sneaky pick with Raichu as your gen 1 starter. Generally solid choices overall
>>35042701I never got to play XD or the Colosseum games. Excellent town, region, and legendary choices
>>35042847Just enough overlap for me to think you're pretty cool, anon
>>35042854Anabel is CUTE! I also like Ghost types a lot.
>>35042855You've got Typhlosion and Ledian on that list so you must be doing something right
>>35042906We need more electric types. Nice Pika clone and Eeveelution choices
>>35042987All respectable choices. Especially on the ice type gym leader and elite four member.
>>35043022Mina is CUTE!
>>35043308Honestly not too much overlap between us but your choices seem very consistent.
>>35043513Hex Maniac is CUTE! CUTE!
>>35043685Poison type favorites are rare.
>>35044328Decidueye is CUTE! Nice pictures.