[16 / 4 / ?]
Hi everyone, I have some information I can finally give. I have an acquaintance who, for the past several years, has provided me with a variety of news regarding the Pokemon franchise (including information about the Kalos region and specific details regarding the Alolan Forms feature). I have been casually talking with him for the past few days and gotten him to give me a few pieces of information regarding the next generation of Pokemon. I don't go on /vp/ very often so I'm not too sure about the boards' "culture" or whatever and if a post like this is appropriate, so forgive me if this is the wrong way to do something like this.
The next Pokemon games will be called "Pokemon Me" and "Pokemon You", with Me's color scheme being red and green and You's being blue and yellow. I infer that this is based on the box art monsters' colors, in which he told me Me's is a snake/serpent/dragon kind of thing and You's is a flying beast. The region takes inspiration from Greece. It goes without saying Greek mythology will be a huge influence on the story, and I believe he talked about Greek gods being adapted to the Pokemon universe. One of the cities in the game is based on the island of Santorini, and there are lots of island. Pokemon gyms make a return, as I know that they were removed in Sun/Moon (which I admit I never finished after the 3rd island).
That's really all I have heard from him so far, I will probably call back tomorrow and I can take some of your questions to have him answer. Anyways, I just thought I'd give you guys a heads up because it seems like you guys are MASSIVE Pokemon fans and I was a huge fan as a kid.
The next Pokemon games will be called "Pokemon Me" and "Pokemon You", with Me's color scheme being red and green and You's being blue and yellow. I infer that this is based on the box art monsters' colors, in which he told me Me's is a snake/serpent/dragon kind of thing and You's is a flying beast. The region takes inspiration from Greece. It goes without saying Greek mythology will be a huge influence on the story, and I believe he talked about Greek gods being adapted to the Pokemon universe. One of the cities in the game is based on the island of Santorini, and there are lots of island. Pokemon gyms make a return, as I know that they were removed in Sun/Moon (which I admit I never finished after the 3rd island).
That's really all I have heard from him so far, I will probably call back tomorrow and I can take some of your questions to have him answer. Anyways, I just thought I'd give you guys a heads up because it seems like you guys are MASSIVE Pokemon fans and I was a huge fan as a kid.