Age customisation. I guess it’s unlikely but I’d love to have a slightly older protagonist again or the ability to choose an age (kid, teenager, young adult, adult, elderly etc) - I really like the PBR characters in this regard
More character customisation in general- hairstyles, different faces, heights, weights etc. More clothes and customisation to choose from
Maybe size variation in individual Pokémon? I know this exists for certain species but I’d personally love if the size of your Pokémon could vary a little more and have that reflected in-game
Pokémon appearance customisation (dress up etc) that shows in battle
Difficulty options
More ways to interact with your Pokémon would be really nice
Ball customisation
I loved the follow mechanic in HG/SS
As other anons have said I don’t want to play Lillie’s adventure or have to sit through a story about her, I’d prefer it to be focused on you and your Pokémon. If GF want to throw in a little cameo for her or a small side quest that’s fine but It would deter me from getting the game if she or any of the main characters from SM were to return in any major way. I didn’t like the execution of friends/companions in SM or X and Y to the point where I didn’t really care or was actively annoyed by them, and very much preferred Gen 5’s presentation of their main characters, I actually cared about them, to me they were really memorable.
Pokémon stadium esque online minigames
Good postgame content
Good music
80-100+ more Pokémon
More regional variations, maybe more megas
Less handholding (this is seriously all I really want, if I was to choose only one thing on this list. I’ve been playing for 20 years, I know how to catch a Pokémon. I don’t need invasive tutorials, just let me play the game and stop bugging me with frustrating 5 minute cutscenes.)