>>35066549Honestly the all have potential to be Chads. They're all at least Champions as kids, which is no easy feat.
>RedSingle handedly over through mafia, stood at the top of a mountain,
Possible Harem: Blue/Leaf, Daisy, Misty, Erika, Sabrina, Lorelei,
Copycat>Gold/EthanBeat two regions, beat Red, encountered Legendary Pokemon
Possible Harem: Kris/Lyra, Joey, Whitney, Jasmine, Clair, Karen
>BrendenBeat evil team, beat or captured Legendary, caught Fug and destroyed a meteor that threatened the world as well as an Ayylmao that was hitchhiking on it, may have won the Battle Frontier
Possible Harem: May,
Wally, Roxanne, Courtney, Lisia, Flannery, Winona, Phoebe, Glacia, Zinnia
>LucasStopped madman from recreating the universe, fought/captured a creature that can warp reality, has bitchin villa
Possible Harem: Dawn, Cheryl, Marley, Gardenia, Maylene, Fantina, Candice, Mars, Cynthia (inb4 yurifags), Caitlin, Dahlia, Argenta
>HilbertBeat PokePETA, stopped a madman from gaining power, caught a Tao Dragon
Possible Harem: N, Bianca, Hilda, Elesa, Skyla, Iris
>NateBeat same madman as Hilbert, took on Fused Kyurem, movie star with a qt on dial, beat the leaders of 5 regions, as stated above N gave him a Tao dragon
Possible Harem: Yancy, anyone from above (except N), Rosa, Roxie
>CalemCaught a legendary Pokemon, stopped a madman from committing mass genocide, has a harem at the start of the game, eats at super expensive restaurants, drives his rival to depression
Possible Harem: Serena, Shauna, Trevor, Tierno, Alexa, Viola, Korrina, Valerie, Olympia, Malva, Drasna, Diantha
>Sun/Chad Kantocock>regions first champion, defeated an ayylmao jellyfish, knocked a woman on the verge of insanity into her senses, catches legendaries and Ultra Beasts, beat Red, fought Necrozma, fought all previous evil bossesPossible Harem: Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Olivia, Acerola, Mina, Hapu, Lusamine if you want to go there, Kahili
pardon my autism