>>35093275Ridiculously offensive meta where its more a game of setting up your wincon first than anything else. The megas are way, way too strong for the defensive things in gen one.
Everything is dominated by physical offence even more than usual. The decent special attackers are alakazam and gengar, their megas and charizard-y. You don't particularly need to be as worried about this as you do the plethora of setup sweepers on the physical side. Megas like charizard-x, gyarados and pinsir are absurdly effective with maybe one or two things in the entire gen that can handle each one, with no one thing that can handle them all. Dragonite also has an easy time, both band and setup. Special doubly can't exist because chansey does.
Stealth rock is incredibly easy to set and fairly hard to remove. You have two defoggers of note in mew and zapdos, and starmie. Good luck with that, especially since every other thing in gen one can set them.
To even attempt to defensively check the big setup sweepers you have three options. Clefable, which can be overpowered by char-x and pinsir no sweat. Arcanine, which can't deal with gyarados and can stuggle if char-x, pinsir or dragonite opt for earthquake. Gyarados itself, which gets bopped by any of these carrying rock coverage or thunderpunch. Not great options. Special mention to tauros since it hypothetically walls them all the most effectively but struggles to then do anything once it is in.
>>35093318It changes everything.
>39/48 things in OU are not gen one and as such 81% of OU is gone entirely. >5 of the 9 things in OU that are gen one are megas. Scyther is still shit. Mega pinsir/beedrill is the option you want if you are desperate for a bug, not that you would be, bug STAB isn't valuable at all.