>>35137175I still use Braixen online on occasion, but I primarily play with a group of 3 irl buddies once a week, and while only one was vocal about it, they don't have access to the game as much as I do aside from one, and I just felt extremely guilty getting perfect victories a lot and more or less never losing. They clearly weren't having fun, so I dropped her in favor of Libre which they seemed to at least enjoy fighting a little bit more. What started as an attempt to make myself less annoying to play against led to me genuinely falling in love with the character. Libre is just a fun time, and the whole mechanic of having to keep the walls in mind at all times to play at optimal buffs is just really fun. Something about watching people online panic when my double team doesn't cancel and instead leaps to their far left to double bounce off the walls into an aerial X that almost always catches them off guard because of what a mindfuck it is just feels satisfying to the soul.