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/Vp/ I figured it out!!

No.35148229 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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I was lurking around and found what could be the reason why Decidueye wasn't that high in that Japan poll and why forgotten mons like Pyukumuku and Incineroar some how got more votes in the poll.

>I think you forgetting the bigger picture here. It's a poll from japan, Japanese people have different looks on things then we do. Like for instance, you know those two characters from BW that run the train station. Yah, nether do I. But apparently in a poll for BW characters, something very similar to this they made it top two without doing anything. No one in the U.S. ever talks about them or gives them any attention but yet in Japan they're top 2 & 3 in the poll. why? Because trains or subways are a popular cultural thing in Japan. Decidueye is biased on archer and a Hawaiian ghost owl. And pyukumuku is biased off of a sea cucumber, something very well known in japan, and Incineroar is biased off tiger mask something that's extremely popular in Japan. If Decidueye is top 18 & 19 then that still means it's well known enough to appeal to the Japanese audience despite being more a western biased pokemon. Plus Rowlet still is number one, and that translates to Decidueye.

I need thoughts.