I know the Japanese names of all the Pokemon because I play PMD in Japanese. The translation is fucking atrocious and it surprises me that people can actually say the plot's good while playing the English version (it's still not even that good in Japanese, but it's at least bearable)
>all those times your partner calls you by name, even though nobody talks like this in English
>doesn't translate the different ways of speaking the partner has depending on species, instead uses the same cutscene dialogue for all species
>accents not translated properly, but keeps in the verbal tics that also don't work in English without sounding absolutely retarded
>completely neuteur Juptor/Grovyle, went from being desparate and sometimes even hotheaded to stoic mcboring
>attempt to censor "edgy" scenes while still making it obvious what they're about to do, things like execution camps are also referred to as something else
I could go on, but PMD fanboys would defend it to the grave