>>35188797E3 is the most likely limit, not fucking April dipshit.
That said, go look up the other dates. You know, like Ruby and Sapphire (AKA a new Gen on a new system) which only had 4 months between reveal of the titles and the release of the games.
So even after E3 there is a chance based on the history of the series (if you're going to patternfag, then you've got to patternfag correctly and take ALL new Gen releases into account, not just recent ones). Granted, it's a VERY small one considering how they've been doing the reveals recently, but not 0% until August OR if Smash is revealed before then to be released in November or December because they're not going to release two major first or second party titles at the same time.
They've all intentionally been a month, month and a half apart for a reason.
Although, should April's quarterly report still list it as 2018 or later, the "VERY small chance" might be going overboard. They should know by now so if they're still listing it as that in April the chance for a late reveal for any given time goes up.