>>35218963>mechanical skill + reactionary skill + strategical skill > strategical skillYou have to reduce complexity on the strategic level to keep the system from becoming too cumbersome in that case. You can't just mash new systems on top of old ones and hope it works, you have to trim out the parts incompatible with the flow of gameplay.
In other words, it's not
>(mechanical skill)+(reactionary skill)+(strategic skill)but instead it's
>(mechanical skill)+(reactionary skill)+(strategic skill - cumbersome strategy elements)This isn't an improvement, it is a lateral change. In an established franchise that is an extremely risky move, not just because it can upset fans but also because it is uncharted gameplay waters for the developer and the effort could result in failure.
Just take a look at Doom 3 and DOOM 2016. Doom 3 was largely derided for stepping away from the series' fast-paced action roots and going with a modern shooter/horror theme instead. It was derided by the fanbase for being a different game wearing Doom's clothes, and has definitely not aged well in either the aesthetics or gameplay departments. Gameplay is slow, enemies are cheap, and it is far too easy to become overwhelmed in very frustrating ways.
Meanwhile DOOM 2016 brought the series back to its full-throttle roots, embracing the same level of mobility and hectic action as its predecessors. It also added elements that enhanced this core gameplay loop rather than try to change it, such as glory kills and the redesigned chainsaw that encouraged the player to be more aggressive with their combat. It was initially overlooked due to reboot fatigue and poor E3 showings, but is actually good enough that it's popularity has managed to slowly grow over time.