>end game leveling that isn't battling the elite 4/blissey over and over>pokeball swapping Maybe it destroys the ball they were originally in to prevent people from using the master ball over and over
>internal HM'sPokemon that would normally be able to learn HM's have it built in as an out of battle key to use whenever it's needed. This way you can have the party you want and not have some useless HM swiss army knife taking up space while at the same time encouraging players to diversivify their teams
>unlockable accessories for pokemon >one per save item that let's you evolve a pokemon that normally needs to be traded>breeding different regional forms has a chance to pass down abilities to each other that the other one wouldn't normally haveA non-alolan muk can be bred to have corrosion for example
>>35235545Interactive cutscenes would be great. A more interactive story with different outcomes based on choice, both in and out of cutscenes, would be ideal.