>>35267262I stopped playing Moon. Finished the Looker missions last month. Haven't touched it since. Keep in mind I got this game at launch. It took me that long to get through. What a slog. This game is honestly a chore. So boring.
I'm having more fun replaying Crystal and playing Randoms on showdown. Still. I wish there was more. Being a Pokemon fan right now sucks ass. The main games are so boring. I straight up dropped Ultra Sun right after getting the starter.
So bored ... Oh well. At least I'm forced into playing other games. Dragonball Fighter Z is boss as fuck.
>>35267273>it's not that badIt's pretty bad.
>>35268957>If there's no "always online" feature for Switch (obviously there won't be the PSS, the Switch doesn't have two screens), I probably won't buy it. It's that much of a dealbreaker for meInteresting. The series has been heading into this pseudo-MMO-esque territory lately (though, they keep fucking it up in implementation). Pokemon fans seem to not want single player. They want games that last FOREVER. Hence the complaints of "no postgame" and the online sucking ass, because that's all there is to do when the piss easy main campaign is over. I rather not have to deal with always online. Fuck online multiplayer. Get some IRL friends to play with you.
I just want my jRPG back. Pokemon games used to be on par with the FFs, Dragonquests, and Earthbounds. They had dungeons. They had meaty quests. Now? It's all there to funnel you into an online no one gives a shit about because it's so broken.