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Have I Fixed The Battle System?

No.35268496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Basically what I am trying to do is simplify the battle system without having to change the game to real time and keeping the core mechanics. Here it is...

> Speed removed. Now whoever chooses a move first is first.

> Attack stat removed. If a move says it does 100 damage then it does 100 damage, no need to worry about Attack stat calculations.

> Defence and Special Defence removed in favor of Health and Armor (Basically a second Health Bar that reduces damage done to the main Health bar)

> Attacks are still categorized Physical and Special with Physical being more effective against Health and Special against Armor

> PP removed in favor of Technical Points tied to the Pokémon

> Z-Moves and Mega Evolutions retconned. New Burst bar fills up in battle. Costs a lot of TP but either allows you to use a Z-Move or Mega Evolve