>>35278099Oh yeah, I always thought that when I emulated it years later on PC that it took ages for the game to register my starter lost health, played the actual DS version, did the same thing.
All Pokémon games actually run on the same code that built Red and Blue/Green much like how Bethesda use old game code to build DLCs and how Skyrim and Fallout 3 and New Vegas are essentially blood related. All Pokémon games use the same source code up to as far as Sun and Moon. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are just Sun and Moon with Mods, let's be honest.
But yeah the point being is that Diamond and Pearl where Prototypes of the source code being used on the DS. It's believed that the engine/code had trouble understanding graphics and touch screen at the same time so it was waiting and trying to understand where you could and couldn't have input so something involving the Stylus actually made health take ages to register. Since we couldn't patch games back then it would have been commercial suicide to recall the games so they immediately fixed it in Platinum. I love the tech facts n stuff that goes into making Pokémon games.
It's a game built entire on math and spaghetti code.