This is the whole countdown:
If Pokémon Switch isn't announced / teased in the next 30 days then I'll draw all my tweets from then until it's announcement.
Day 3. I've began reading through pencil and stylus reviews on Amazon.
Day 6. Now that Pokken DLC and Detective Pikachu are out of the way, I live in hope. Still undecided on pencil requirements.
Day 9. I've acquired a pencil and begun practising my drawing technic. Consider this one a freebie.
Day 10. You all seemed to like my post-it note drawing so much that I decided to redo it. I think it might look a little better now.
Day 11. This scribbling stuff is eevee peasy. Don't know what I was worried about.
Day 12. Remember not to get too obsessed. Take breaks, go do other stuff.
Day 16. We've now passed the half way mark and my palms are getting sweaty.
Day 17. The followers are getting angry.
Day 19. Spyro is not a Pokémon.
Day 21. You'll kick yourselves when I tell you.