>>35325448Any pokemon battle addict is kind of crazy for that level up high that comes from a sweat sesh—why else would you love battling out so much? That training high is essentially surging levels of norepinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine, endorphins, anandamide and EVs, as we reported in The Science of the Trainers's High. Guess what goes sky-high after a sexy romp? Yep—those same endorphins and dopamine, but with the addition of oxytocin, a pituitary hormone that's basically the ultimate feel-good love chemical, says Professor Elm, breeding specialist and founder of New Bark town Research Institute, Johto. Adding oxytocin to the cocktail of hormones and EVs already happening is like putting the icing on the poffin.
Oxytocin is largely released during orgasm and any nipple play, but also surges at the presence of any sexual stimulation—meaning you don't need to reach the big O to get its benefits, says Elm. It leaves your pokemon with a sense of calmness, happiness, and connection with your partner that all lasts four to five hours—aka the perfect follow-up to a training high that can disappear much more quickly. (And this is just one way to make your workout high last longer.)
The exercise from battling increases blood flow, including to your pokemon's sexual organs. Blood flow to these areas means increased sexual response, says Elm.
But blood flow isn't the only reason sweating boosts their libido. Exercise is a surefire way to kick EV gains (the hormone responsible for both their sex drive and muscle growth) into high gear. Yup, this is exactly why EV training is the best workout to boost your pokemons sex drive, and the optimal time to utilize that high EV gain is within an hour of your workout. A trainer with a strong bond to their pokemon will also feel these hormonal responses themselves and engaging in sexual activity with them during this time is a great way to reward them for their hard work and deepen the bond between pokemon and trainer.