>>35331003I came up with these burmy/wormadam cloaks in my spare time:
>Plush cloak - bug/normalWhen burmy's last fight was on a city or link battle. It surrounds itself with dusty fluff and patches of fabric.
>Ash cloak - bug/fireWhen burmy's last fight was on a volcano. It surrounds itself with black volcanic dust and reddish lava rocks.
>Flush cloak - bug/waterWhen burmy's last fight was on a beach or water. It surrounds itself with seashells, seaweed and a staryu.
>Push cloak - bug/electricWhen burmy's last fight was on a powerplant. It surrounds itself with lightbulbs, wires and plugs.
>Slush cloak - bug/iceWhen burmy's last fight was on ice/snow. It surrounds itself with snowflakes to resemble a snowman.
>Lush cloak - bug/flyingWhen burmy's last fight was a sky battle. It surrounds itself with branches and feathers.
>Mush cloak - bug/poisonWhen burmy's last fight was on a swamp or dump. It surrounds itself with unsanitary purple sludge.
>Polish cloak - bug/rockWhen burmy's last fight was on a cave. It surrounds itself with jewels.
>Smash cloak - bug/fightingWhen burmy's last fight was on a dojo. It surrounds itself with battle items, like a focus sash, choice band, black belt, etc.
>Rush cloak - bug/psychicWhen burmy's last fight was on space. It surrounds itself with stardust and meteorite shards
They all end in -sh because autism