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Fake and gay, why would leaks come from Spain before China? Probably some shitty barcelona journalist that has no idea what they're actually talking about.
I almost feel sorry for Verlis, I think he really does latch on to whatever leaks and fake theories he can find. His shit is clickbait but at the same time he isn't maliciously creating lies to bring in views, pic related.
>get a box of chinese bootleg pokemon cards
>says they're placed all sloppy because of low quality Chinese work
>pull two "caterpie" final starter evos at the beginning
>opens all the other packs, nothing much of interest
>final pack, opens it slightly above camera view
>cards are facing the wrong way when all other packs have been consistent
>pulls thumbnail card, all the text is in perfect English
No one else has been able to find this card, he faked a bootleg of all things.