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No.35351121 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>want to get back into Pokemon
>deeply fond memories of Yellow and Silver
>the Silver remake was shit
>FireRed/LeafGreen were double shit
>haven't really enjoyed Pokemon since RSE, and even then my enthusiasm was waning
>Pokemon Sun/Moon comes up
>everyone's hype
>everyone I know is excited about it
>Nintendo builds more hype
>the villain's not a fucking conspiracy head
>the writing's less thoroughly shit
>the mechanics have been streamlined
>it has rideable Pokemon
>buy it and a special edition 3DS to play it on
>'s not good.
>the crime boss villain is a foil
>the writing's better than Emerald but that's not saying much
>the difficulty is laughable
>still, grind my way to get the Fomantis I want to evolve into my waifu
>she's shit
>Lurantis is basically unusable without Deep Autism like breeding, IV training and Natures

I just

I just want to love Pokemon like I did as a kid.

I want to wake up at four in the morning and turn on my Game Boy so I can catch a Ledyba. I want to play my Game Boy constantly because it's everything I've ever wanted.

I want the spark back.

But I don't think I'll get it.