>>35355779I made a thread before about the user interface and how it's still so inconvenient, especially considering the fact of how many buttons we've had and gamefreak doesn't take advantage of them most of the time.
In the overworld:
R=quick select item like fishing rod/etc
Y=short cut menu of 4 quick select items (pokeride or items)
X goes directly to your party screen
Start goes into your bag
Select can be a quick save/options or some other shortcut
Running should be automatic and you can hold B to walk.
In the PC:
Scroll through boxes one at a time with left and right on D pad. 5 at a time with L/R.
A=select pokemon and bring up options
Y=grabbing a pokemon immediately
X=the green arrow that selects a group of pokemon
Select moves equipped items around
Start switches between battle boxes and other modes
Search icon at the bottom that has pokebank levels of search instead of the shitty highlight feature currently in the games.
They could easily fit like 3/4 boxes on the switch screen as well, or have a status screen of a highlighted pokemon constantly on the side. Shouldn't have to open up any additional menus, besides selecting items from the bag.