>>35361474>AquaticToo similar to Water, if you want to split up the large type, it'd have to be something with less overlap
>WindAgain, large overlap with Flying when you think about it logically. This is a bit better than Aquatic, but not by much, especially considering the Levitate ability
>PlasticStupid sounding name that will put most people off, however, there's certainly enough Pokemon out there of different types to warrant an inorganic type with a better name
>SoundCould work, certainly enough of a precedent in game. They'd have to introduce a load of special nonsound-based Normal moves in the same gen, and plenty of new Pokemon, but there are tonnes of Sound-based design ideas to riff off
>CosmicAgain, there's a bit of a precedent for a type to describe non-earthly Pokemon, as they've been described quite a bit in-game with various storylines. It's basically set up already