>>35371723How thin skinned are you? Chatot's reaction was totally in-character within the context of his character. His character is someone who always jumps to conclusions and thinks he's in the right about everything, even when that's not always the case. When you first join the guild, Chatot immediately tells the duo to scram under the assumtion that you and the partner are marketers. His irrational nature even continues later in the game, where he punishes Loudred under the assumption that he was slacking off, and refusing to admit you ant the partner were right about Dusknoir until he was outnumbered. Him acting on these consistent flaws in Apple Woods is completely in-character, and him being extra irrational (when he's at least willing to hear you out most of the time) makes even more sense when you take into account the amount of pressure that's also put on him, as Wigglytuff is a volatile person.
Hell, he even apologizes in a later scene for bringing up Apple Woods again, praising you for your hard work and saying that it was just because of how traumatic the situation is.
>b-but he TORTURED me!Skipping meals is a guild punishment that isn't exclusive to the scene. Fail Sentry Duty? No food. Bidoof even canonically suffers from this, too, at the very beginning of the first Special Episode. Don't think he singled you out. They showed the scene to make the rest of the guild giving you food all that more meaningful. Normally they don't bother to share food (when you fail Sentry) but when you fail Apple Woods, they know better than Chatot and see how everything was rigged against you, so they motivate you to work hard to remind you that they've got your back.
>but you can fail the mission!I guess the Time Gears plot is shit too because you can fail over and over, even though the planet's paralysis is spreading like a wildfire, right? It's a gameplay thing.