>>35381870Okay, let me spell it out for you because you don't seem to get it. Law and Good are the same thing. Without law, you get a state of nature, which is evil. No one wants to admit it, but nature is evil. Nature is a state of no laws. You want nature, go look at lions killing each other's babies, rampant enforced cuckoldry with cuckoos, and coyotes stealing fresh prey from badgers that they only moments ago were friends with. The winners in natures are whoever kills, cheats, rapes, steals, and betrays the most. It is an inherently evil system.
Humans have been blessed with higher thought, so we are able to rise above the evil of nature and live in Society, a system animals don't quite comprehend where being good and kind is generally doable and doing all the things that make you succeed in nature gets you a well-deserved punishment. Society and its laws are good. And Society, when it comes down to it, is a social contract, an agreement to follow all the laws in exchange for the protection of society against the evils of nature, and those few humans who succumb to their natural instincts to steal, rape, and kill. We can all agree that raping, stealing, and killing are bad, and society can't really function if everyone did that, so Society is good and Nature is bad. This is why law and good are one and the same, while chaos and evil are also one and the same.
If you have further questions, I recommend you go read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. It's a great read.