>>35383904You need money and Everstones for the draconian breeding system they have.
https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/49440-the-breeding-guide/ For farming all you need is a Smeargle with False Swipe/Spore (Some suggest ingrain in case you find a shiny that knows Roar) and an extra move can be anything you want from Sweet Scent for summoning hordes to Pay Day and the previously mentioned Thief Quagsire.
Shinies are worth some decent money depending on the rarity of the shiny that's why you'd always want to check the price on the forums if you plan to sell it or not.
As for starting in competitive, I'd suggest a basic bitch defensive team with Hippowdon/Mantine/Blissey/Skarmory/Reuniclus. It's boring to play with and against but these comps are pretty splashable later on when you branch out and decide to make other teams. Another alternative if you hate defensive play is to make a rain team Pelipper Kabutops Mildnite Scizor Reuniclus and Conkeldurr are pretty safe.