[26 / 8 / ?]
Weaveb - Lv. 31 if Female -> Allurach Classification: Orb Weaver -> Alluring Type: Bug -> Bug/Dark Ability: Unnerve -> Silk Clothes (Protects user against status ailments) HA: Oblivious Base Stats: HP: 55 -> 75 Attack: 85 -> 115 Defense: 63 -> 103 Sp. Atk: 42 -> 52 Sp. Def: 67 -> 77 Speed: 51 -> 61 Pokedex Entry (Weaveb): Using the spinnerets on its head, it can produced some of the finest silk in the world. Since the silk is harder than steel, it is almost difficult for prey to escape. Pokedex Entry (Allurach): While Pokémon generally don't wear clothes, Allurach wears webs to protect its soft body from enemies. It lures Bug-type Pokémon and sometimes even humans to its lair and then trap them in its web. Allurach can learn: Leech Life, Sucker Punch, Toxic Thread (Egg Move), Spider Web, Poison Jab (TM), Attract, Shadow Sneak (Egg Move), Captivate, Sticky Web, Knock Off, Electroweb (Tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Lunge
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those are pretty nice! inspired by that crazy golden spider silk cloth? i've been thinking about a big type lie based on carnivorous plants. the first stage would be a grub like a hairy caterpillar but instead of hairs it's sticky things like a sundew plant, the cocoon stage would be like a closed off pitcher plant, and the final would be a stage beetle with venus fly trap jaws.
>>35407545 Muh FEMININE penis...
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>>35407545 I really like it, but I'm biased towards spidermons. The only negative I can point is that, like
>>35409281 sadi, it's a bit too waifu-ish. Still, it looks enough like a real Pokemon and if she was in the games I'd definitely have her on my team.
so im looking around for inspiration and stumbled upon pic related, is this the inspiration they used for Buzzwole?
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>>35409343 ...that's a mantis
Buzzwole is a buff alien mosquito dude that pumps up its muscles with blood
Shedinja-Mega Bug/Ghost Ability: Sturdy (Gains upon mega evolving) Hp 1 Atk 90 -> 192 (+102) Def 45 -> 1 (-44) Sp Atk 30 -> 1 (-29) Sp Def 30 -> 1 (-29) Spe 40 -> 140 (+100)
>>35410113 Why does the line have 3 separate types?
>>35411935 Why does Nincada?
>>35409369 >minus stats in def with 1 hp Kek
>>35410113 Anonymous
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>>35411945 Ninjask and Shedinja don't evolve into anything, so it's really not the same thing
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>>35409343 No it's the inspiration for this
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>>35411935 lmao because I created it, It's fun and dynamic when it comes to building a team
been working on this line, the final evo is a bit gaudy imo so i'm trying to figure out how to strip it down to more basic elements
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>>35412695 >A literal dildo Anonymous
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>>35412695 First Pokemon looks like a dildo
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How about like, a Bug/Ground termite mound.
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Bug/Ice dung beetle based pokemon. 1st stage is a kinda lethargic looking creature with a snow collar with a general parka look to its shell, often laying ontop of its large snowball or slouched against it from behind. Evolution that would have a more brash appearance, standing on two legs, holding an ice boulder above itself with two arms, with a lower set of arms fully mobile.
>>35412055 It's got sturdy, what does it need def or sp Def for anymore? Its already an unstoppable killing machine
>>35412695 nice concep: millitary ants
bullet, grenade, but the queen/general need improve
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>>35412994 >minmaxing >>35413795 Thanks. Anything specfici you think I could try?
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>>35407545 Combunker
Male Combee evo - looks like a dome made up entirelyout of combee with three hexagonal cannons sticking out of the upper part of the dome.
dual special condition evo: requires that the entire party consists of Male combee and that you level up in a flower field - with the Lead Combee absorbs the rest of the party upon evolving.
HP: 100
Atk: 45
Sp. Atk: 85
Sp. Def: 102
Speed: 20
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>>35412695 i put some more work into the female final evo and added a potential male final evo